I am so excited to be writing this post! Even though I have been absent from my blog, I have hosted another baby shower, shopped for my swap partner (the Lovely Stacy from Stacy Uncorked), and received an AMAZING box of goodies. Not to mention, poor little Finley has been sick AGAIN, baseball has started (in addition to Tai Kwon Do, for the oldest 2 boys), and gym season is in full swing (6 meets down, 2 to go). But, enough banter, I am excited to share my swap details with you!!
Um, can you say,
Emily was completely enamored with the bow and yelled “MINE” as soon as she saw it.
I have to say that Stacy and I have decided that we could definitely be twins based on our likes/dislikes. I can’t remember when I’ve had more fun shopping and creating for someone that I don’t even know. She completely spoiled me and I have to get her something else in the mail pronto to even things out.
SO, I ate the chocolate before I took a picture of it. And, the fancy beautiful pin cushion Stacy sent is already hard at work.
Just an FYI,
My favorite color is green
and I LOVE vintage.
How cool is my coffee cup?!? (I know you are jealous, no haters though!) I can’t pick a favorite item, because I love, love, LOVE them all, but I can say that the above plate with the rooster salt and pepper shakers is one of the most thoughtful gifts I have ever received. Vintage AND green! It is front and center on my hutch in my formal dining room.
Oh, and I have used my cup everyday. (Good thing I do dishes regularly)
So, here’s a shameless plug for Stacy (completely unsolicited… but when I love something, I like to share!)… visit her Princess Nagger site for yummy homemade items and custom gift baskets.
I’m enjoying a “toasted almond” made with the Liquor Del Café that Stacy sent. It is worth
Weight Watchers Point
that I used consuming it.
I’m just sayin’.
Thank You Stacy!!!! You ROCK!!!!
Of course, I’m linking up with