Swap Time and TTUT

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I am so excited to be writing this post!   Even though I have been absent from my blog, I have hosted another baby shower, shopped for my swap partner (the Lovely Stacy from Stacy Uncorked), and received an AMAZING box of goodies.  Not to mention, poor little Finley has been sick AGAIN, baseball has started (in addition to Tai Kwon Do, for the oldest 2 boys), and gym season is in full swing (6 meets down, 2 to go).  But, enough banter, I am excited to share my swap details with you!!

Um, can you say,


Emily was completely enamored with the bow and yelled “MINE” as soon as she saw it.

I have to say that Stacy and I have decided that we could definitely be twins based on our likes/dislikes.  I can’t remember when I’ve had more fun shopping and creating for someone that I don’t even know.  She completely spoiled me and I have to get her something else in the mail pronto to even things out.





SO, I ate the chocolate before I took a picture of it.  And, the fancy beautiful pin cushion Stacy sent is already hard at work.

Just an FYI,

My favorite color is green

and I LOVE vintage. 

How cool is my coffee cup?!? (I know you are jealous, no haters though!)  I can’t pick a favorite item, because I love, love, LOVE them all, but I can say that the above plate with the rooster salt and pepper shakers is one of the most thoughtful gifts I have ever received.  Vintage AND green!  It is front and center on my hutch in my formal dining room.

Oh, and I have used my cup everyday.  (Good thing I do dishes regularly)

So, here’s a shameless plug for Stacy (completely unsolicited… but when I love something, I like to share!)… visit her Princess Nagger site for yummy homemade items and custom gift baskets. 

I’m enjoying a “toasted almond” made with the Liquor Del Café that Stacy sent.  It is worth



Weight Watchers Point

that I used consuming it.

I’m just sayin’.

Thank You Stacy!!!!  You ROCK!!!!

Of course, I’m linking up with

Will You Be My Valentine?

I have been reminiscing about all of the Valentine’s that I made last year…

because this year I haven’t made




Maybe this will put me in the mood? 

Maybe not.

It’s worth a shot!!

{Just click on the picture if you want to see the actual post}

Heart Hand Mantel 2

Here’s the little heart that I made with Finley’s handprint.  His hand won’t even fit on that heart now!

[sniff, sniff… waahhhh]

Wooden hearts I made for teachers and friends.


Valentine’s made for my kids’ classes.

AND, my personal favorite:

The Valentine I made for my husband. Smile

Linking up with

I LOVE reading all the posts that are linked up each week. 

And also to a few of these parties.

It’s time for me to get off my butt now.

It seems to be glued to the couch though.

I Love You Enough to Let You Go… 14 Days Of Love Event

Picture Close Up
I am very excited to be participating in Ashley’s
14 Days of Love
event…  14 Days of amazing projects via 14 different bloggers followed by a ginormous giveaway!!
Cherished Bliss
My project is a love tribute of sorts.   Since my grandmother passed in April, I haven’t been able to cope with my grief all that well.  Every time I think I’m ok,
WHAM… it hits me    
Completed Project
So, I’m going to share with you a multi media LOVE project today.  I call it
I Love You Enough to Let You Go.
Not to forget, but to let go of the sadness that paralyzes my every effort and live my life in a manner that brings honor to what she taught me.
I started out filling my mind with as much inspiration as I could possibly absorb.  Check out  Sew Somerset magazine (I love all of the Somerset magazines!!) for some amazing ideas.  I also read Delight in the Details by Lisa M. Pace cover to cover about 10 times.  I outlined and sketched my ideas over the course of about a week.  I identified the components I wanted in my project (to represent my feelings) and scoured ebay, antique shops, and craft stores to find them.
I used a quilting hoop, but you can use canvas, cardstock, or whatever medium you want!  There is absolutely
to complete this project… that’s what I love about it.
I grabbed an old feed sack, hooped it, and arranged my components.  This process took a day or so while I rearranged things about 20 times until it “flowed.”  My poor sister probably has pictures of all 20 different arrangements as I asked for her input along the way. Smile
Layers are good.
Texture is better.
Variety is vital.
Details are KEY.
After everything is arranged, take a picture so you can remember exact details and spacing.
I outlined the perimeter of my hoop with a water soluble pen so I knew my exact work space after I unhooped the feed sack. 
I then sewed my components on one layer at a time using a variety of stitches, stitch lengths, and neutral thread colors.  This is part of an old quilt top found in my grandmother’s sewing room.
Birthdate Plate
Here is her birthday stamped in metal.  I stamped it, colored over it with a black sharpie, and then wiped the excess off with a damp cloth.
Picture Close Up 
A copy of a picture with my grandmother holding my mom and uncle.
Love Lifted Me
“Love Lifted Me” sheet music, trim, lace…
BINGO and Bling…  (as far as my grandmother was concerned, the more the merrier on both accounts!)
1938 Sheet Music, antique button, tulle, ric rac
Chiffon and pearl flowers
Cherub clipart courtesy of The Graphics Fairy with a vintage handmade doily and jewelry charm.
Because of you 
The one thing I didn’t get a chance to tell her before she passed from this life to the next…
Never pass up an opportunity to share your love!!
If you missed Kim from The Sasse Life yesterday, go check out her upcycled love picture frame!  Don’t forget to come back to tomorrow and see what Aimee at It’s Overflowing has planned.
Thanks Ashley from Cherished Bliss for coordinating this fabulous event!!
I’m also linking this project with a few of these ladies this week!  Check them out.
This event is sponsored by…
Lily Bella Fabric Ribbon Jar Whimsy Couture Seemingly Smitten
Book Craft image The Little Bird Vixen Made
Joonie Beads Merdith's little shop Liberty Original

Pick Your Plum Challenge ~ Menu Board

Menu sign

A few weeks ago, I received a a little surprise in the mail from my bloggy pal Janette.

new pkg

She and Ashley are hosting a Pick Your Plum link party with a chance to win a $25 PYP product box!!  If you have blogged about a PYP product or completed project, you can link it up the whole month of February!


You can learn more about Pick Your Plum on their Facebook page.

Anyways, when I first received my free challenge project, I thought,

“Holy Crap, what have I gotten myself into?!?”

Then, I calmed down and focused…

[In case you didn’t know, I’m a night crafter.  It is VERY difficult to get good pics at night, so I don’t have a step by step tutorial for you today.]

Menu Board

Here’s what my project morphed into!

I spray painted the metal with black chalkboard paint, spray painted the wood purple, glued one of my mustard resin mums onto the magnet, and mod podged away. 

I have some vintage sheet music (circa 1939) that I have been “saving” for the right project.  I have a tendency to collect, stash, and then NEVER use my coveted possessions.  Not today my friends!  (In all honesty, I had to seriously talk myself into cutting up the music for two straight days before I could actually do it.  C.R.A.Z.Y, I know, but I’m just keeping it real for ya.)

bottom corner

Vintage just isn’t complete to me without a little cotton lace.  Oui?

Ok, ok, I just really like the look of it.

Do you blame me?

Menu sign

This little “Menu” sign is one of The Graphics Fairy’s bazillion FREE clipart images.  If you have never checked her out, NOW is the time to do so!  I printed it out on tagboard and inked the edges to give it the look I was going for.

Menu in Action

The menu board in action, with a clothespin to keep the dessert recipe handy.

Inspiration board

Originally, the title of the sheet music drew me in… “Do as Thou wilst with me, O Lord!”  I use the mum magnet to attach the “Menu” sign when I need a menu board or take it off when I need an inspiration board.  The kids actually stopped to read it and smiled. Smile

Bonus mom points!!


I’m Linking Up With A Few Of These Girls Too!